divendres, 27 de març del 2009


The different pannels and conferences which have been succesfully carried out at Ies Pau Vila over the last years made it possible for some teachers to present it to Federico Mayor Zaragoza's Second Edition Contest on Cultural Diversity as Means of Enrichment.

"Clean Eyes, New Voices, Better Perspectives" was awarded with the 2nd Prize in 2008.

Thus, it also pulled the trigger on handing it in for the PELE's competitive projects. The Education Department gave green light to our project which means that it is bound to be further developed over the next three academic years.

Its targets are mainly addressed not only to the educational community in our high school but also to bring the gap between newcommers's experiences upon arrival or throughout the years they have been in Catalonia as means of enrichment and exchanging of own's personal achivements and breaking up with stereotypes on race, culture and economic ones.

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